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The Importance Of Floss

In this article, we examine the importance of using dental floss, types of dental floss, how to use it, disadvantages and benefits, and how many times a day it should be used.

By using a toothbrush, you will be able to maintain the health and hygiene of the tooth surface and the upper part of the tooth crown, but you will not be able to clean the space between the teeth well. Food residues, food and plaques that are hidden between the teeth are the main cause of tooth decay in the long run.
To eliminate these factors, using dental floss is very practical and helpful. Cleaning the teeth, especially the areas of them that are hard to reach and due to the pressure of the border of the two teeth, the pieces of food do not come out of them, multiplies the importance of using dental floss.
Of course, you must use the right type of thread in a completely principled way to ensure maximum cleanliness and hygiene.

dental floss

How To Use Dental Floss

What is more important than flossing is doing it right. If you do not floss correctly, you will cause a lot of damage to your teeth and gums and you will not get good results from flossing. The method and steps of using dental floss in a standard way are as follows:

Follow the steps required to floss:

  • Separate the appropriate amount of yarn, approximately 50 cm
  • Wrap the appropriate amount of thread that includes its longer length from both sides around the fingers and leave about 5 cm of thread between the two hands.
  • With the help of index finger and thumb, press the thread and keep it tight while stretching.
  • Gently insert the floss into the space between the two teeth and then move it from top to bottom and from bottom to top of the tooth. Do this movement towards both teeth together and then go to the side space between the teeth and floss all the spaces between the teeth.
  • When flossing, move down very slowly to prevent the floss from reaching the gums. Stretching the thread on the gum will cause a wound or scratch on it.
  • To clean the lower area between the teeth and near the gums, reduce the tension of the floss to create a curved shape in the floss and access to this area is also possible.
  • This process should be done on all the border of the teeth with different parts of the floss that is clean.

Benefits Of Dental Floss

By reviewing the most important benefits that flossing brings to us, we will better understand the reason why specialists and dentists emphasize the use of dental floss:

1. Prevention Of Gum Disease

Usually, tooth and gum infections and other diseases are caused due to lack of hygiene. Many people insist that they brush their teeth regularly and observe hygiene, but you should know that the plaques created in the area between the teeth and near the gums are not removed by brushing.

As a result of remaining plaque, increasing its level and hardening of the plaque cause famous gum diseases such as periodontal and… With the help of flossing, these plaques will be removed and the disease-causing bed will not be formed.

2. Prevent Bad Breath

Bad breath has several causes, one of which is due to food remaining between the teeth. After remaining between the teeth, these substances increase bacterial activity and increase bad breath. With the help of dental floss and removing food residues from between the teeth, bad breath can be prevented.

3. Better Cleaning Of Orthodontic Teeth

In the case of orthodontic teeth, due to the presence of orthodontic equipment on the teeth, the efficiency of the toothbrush is greatly reduced and it is difficult to remove the remaining masses between the teeth. This problem can be solved with the help of dental floss.

4. Controlling Diabetes With The Help Of Dental Floss

The higher activity of harmful bacteria in the mouth under the influence of food and food residues can be a factor for their transfer into the blood of a person and can be effective in increasing blood sugar levels.

When these tiny particles of food and food are removed with the help of dental floss, bacteria are prevented from entering the blood and it is a factor in controlling blood sugar levels. Flossing is essential for diabetics at any age.

5. Prevent Heart Diseases

The transfer of bacteria into the blood is the root of many diseases and there is a possibility of creating pressure and affecting the health of the cardiovascular system. Lack of complete and correct oral hygiene with the help of dental floss causes more attacks of bacteria into the blood and causes heart diseases in a person in old age.

6. Prevent Respiratory Diseases

The respiratory system of the body is another very sensitive area that is connected with the oral cavity. Any infection, disease and bacteria in the mouth has the ability to transfer to the respiratory system and cause disease for this system.

Sinus infections, bronchitis and sometimes pneumonia are among these diseases. Flossing increases the level of oral hygiene and prevents bacteria from gaining strength and transferring them to the respiratory system.

7. Save Money By Flossing

In addition to maintaining health, by using dental floss you will also save a lot of money due to the fact that it does not cause various diseases and you will not need to pay high amounts for medical services.

8. More Beauty In Teeth

In addition to the dullness and yellowing of the surface of the teeth, creating black lines and darkness between the teeth is not a good image and affects the appearance of the person. Therefore, by flossing, you can have an effect on the appearance of your teeth.

Types of dental floss

Types Of Dental Floss

There is a lot of variety in dental floss and they are placed in different categories in terms of material, procedure and packaging. Which type of floss to use depends on your comfort, the shape of the teeth and the distance between them.

1. Standard Dental Floss:

Common nylon threads that have a common and standard size are suitable for most teeth and their diameter is designed to cover the distance between the teeth in the usual position.

Standard dental floss is divided into several categories: flavored floss and tasteless floss that you will feel when using it and its preparation is a matter of taste. Another category is waxed and non-waxed yarn. Waxed floss works more easily for teeth that have a small and tight gap.

2. Dental Floss Type:

If the distance between a person’s teeth is large, he can use these threads, which are wide. This type of thread can also be used during orthodontics.

3. Super Dental Floss:

Another category of threads suitable for orthodontic teeth or teeth with a large distance are super dental threads, which include three categories of strong thread, sponge thread and normal thread. It uses normal thread for gum line plaque, sponge thread is suitable for orthodontic brackets and strong thread is used for under brackets.

Disadvantages Of Dental Floss

Flossing alone does not cause any harm to a person, but other side factors can cause harm and damage when using dental floss:

  • Improper use of dental floss: If dental floss is not used correctly and according to the standard method, it can damage tooth enamel, gums, etc. and cause scratches, wounds, and sensitivity. The correct movement of dental floss is from top to bottom and bottom to top between the teeth and you should not put pressure on the walls of the teeth and gums.
  • Improper dental floss: If you use low-quality and non-standard dental floss, your teeth will be damaged over time. According to the characteristics of dental floss, usually two types of waxed and non-waxed types can be used.
  • Finding obsession in flossing: Overdoing anything is wrong. Most of the people are short and lazy in the field of flossing, but there are few people who, on the contrary, use dental floss obsessively several times or for a long time each time, which is the cause of damage. Normally, you should spend two minutes flossing your teeth once a day.

Should I Brush Or Floss First?

If a person regularly brushes his teeth twice a day and uses dental floss, there is no priority between these two health processes. But in limited cases or when a person brushes his teeth once, it is recommended to use dental floss first to remove the tiny particles left between the teeth and then brush his teeth.
Because when a person uses dental floss, the particles are loosened and spread on the surface of the teeth, and they are cleaned from the oral environment by thorough brushing.

What Is The Best Dental Floss?

Flossing correctly is more important than the type of floss you use. Whether you use patterned threads or regular threads is a matter of taste. It is important that you floss correctly. All yarns sold by authorized pharmacies are approved and there are few details that differ between them. So calling the best dental floss is not a correct word. The condition of each tooth and each person is different from another.

How Many Times Should You Floss During The Day?

The World Health Organization as well as articles and studies show that the highest level of oral hygiene can be reached by brushing twice a day and flossing once. So it is necessary to use dental floss at least once.

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